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Ottawa’s Martello Technologies looks to channel to take on the world with unique hybrid UC-SD WAN solution

image press release
August 21, 2018 | Aug 10, 2018

The SD-WAN space has lately attracted the focus of big players like Cisco and VMware. Martello, which has been in business for years, is about to go public through a reverse takeover, and believes that their differentiated solution gives them something that they can take to market successfully through the channel against the big boys.

Martello Technologies, a 64-person company headquartered in Ottawa, is about to go public. The company has had their plan to engineer a reverse takeover of a dormant company on the TSX Venture Exchange conditionally approved. They are looking to use their status as a public company to enable strategic acquisitions, and to drive global business as a more nimble player with a unique value proposition. While most of their sales go through channel partners today, they recognize that the channel will be even more critical to their success going forward as a public company.

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Martello provides the only end-to-end Microsoft Teams performance monitoring tool that Microsoft recommends to their customers to maximize employee productivity. Our solution Vantage DX proactively monitors Microsoft 365 and Teams service quality, enabling IT with complete visibility of the user experience to ease troubleshooting of issues before they impact users. Find out why Martello is Microsoft’s go-to-solution for Microsoft Office 365 Monitoring >>

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