Exposure to Top Mitel Channel Partners Enables Martello to Grow Customer Base
June 2017 | Wesley Clover Quarterly Update
This Quarter saw Martello generate increasing demand from top channel partners for Mitel Performance Analytics (MPA), the network performance management SaaS system the company provides for the Mitel family of hosted communications offerings. A base of several thousand Mitel customers are now embracing Mitel Performance Analytics Plus. Among these customers is Chicago Public Schools, a high-profile Mitel account. Katie Zalewski, Telecommunications Manager at the school board, commented, “Large educational organizations like Chicago Public Schools are looking at the benefits of MPA Plus with the intent to move forward this year. After we investigated the product more closely, we believe it will give us more robust reporting capabilities as well as added analytics for the entire network.
Martello provides the only end-to-end Microsoft Teams performance monitoring tool that Microsoft recommends to their customers to maximize employee productivity.
Our solution Vantage DX proactively monitors Microsoft 365 and Teams service quality, enabling IT with complete visibility of the user experience to ease troubleshooting of issues before they impact users.
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