10 Problems Solved with Mitel Performance Analytics
Mitel Performance
Today’s business communications network is more complex than ever – and users have high expectations for reliability and service quality. It’s created a perfect storm for enterprise IT professionals and telecom resellers. Mitel customers and partners have a secret weapon: Mitel Performance Analytics (MPA). This UC Performance Management solution tackles complexity and ensures Mitel systems always function optimally. Here’s just a glimpse of the problems you will solve with MPA:
1. We spend too much time trying to get systems back up when they fail – We want you to be proactive and prevent downtime, rather than picking up the pieces afterwards. That’s where performance monitoring and alarm management come in. MPA has a series of severity thresholds for voice quality and other metrics such as memory utilization. Devices on the network are monitored on a 24/7 basis, and when a threshold is maximized or breached, you’ll receive an alarm – allowing you to address the issue BEFORE it can cause downtime.
2. Sending a technician onsite every time there’s a problem is too costly – We can help you eliminate up to 80% of onsite visits. Every Mitel device can be accessed remotely, without the need for a VPN, from the MPA dashboard. This means cost-effective troubleshooting without truck rolls.
3. We know there’s a problem, but we can’t pinpoint the source – Mitel reseller ComRes found that MPA simplified the task of identifying the cause of the problem. “In a geographically widespread network, there are multiple components, including different ISPs and internet connection types. That makes it more difficult to know what is causing a problem. With MPA, we can isolate an issue more specifically to the right location or ISP, and access these locations remotely”
4. Phones are disconnected, and we don’t know it – MPA monitors IP handset connectivity to MiVoice Business or Mitel Border Gateway. A real-time alert is generated if a handset is disconnected or unprogrammed, ensuring the issue is detected before any losses can occur
5. Our network has multi-vendor equipment that we want to monitor without using a separate tool – MPA specializes in Mitel equipment. However, recognizing the many components of the network infrastructure, MPA can provide basic monitoring (availability/reachability, system information) for any IP device. The software also supports monitoring of a range of device types: routers, servers, managed Ethernet switches, call recorders, voice mail.
6. It’s hard to produce good reports that show what’s happening on the network – MPA helps IT professionals demonstrate service level agreement assurance, and assists with capacity planning. Reports can be generated on demand or monthly that deliver service level data on all of the devices for a customer, region or specific location.
7. Preventing downtime is especially important for some of my customers – Some customers operate in a mission-critical environment, in which downtime of the communications system can cause lost revenues or even danger to occupants. MPA helps prevent downtime, giving you peace of mind. Some Mitel authorizedPARTNERs choose to adopt MPA as part of the Premium Software Assurance & Support subscription*, which also delivers Mitel software updates and 24/7 Mitel support.
8. I’m a small reseller, and it’s harder to compete with the bigger players – MPA is the ultimate equalizer! Even the smallest reseller can support customers around the globe with MPA. MPAhelps IT departments do more with less, since the software is constantly monitoring systems, and alerting you when something needs attention.
9. We have difficulty with weekend/off hours coverage for network support – MPA simplifies support of business communications networks during off hours. Alerts can be dispatched via email, SMS or Twitter, and special conditions can be set for off-hours. For example, the system can be configured to only send Critical or Major Alarms on the weekend, ensuring that staff is only dealing with true emergencies on weekends or evenings.
10. Our IT staff can’t keep up with support calls –MPA reduces the demands placed on your IT department. Since IT staff is alerted before the issue can impact service quality, you’ll have it fixed before the user can detect it. Mitel’s Remote Monitoring and Access Service (RMAS), which uses MPA, is also an option for those requiring a managed monitoring service.
*Premium Software Assurance & Support Mitel Performance Analytics offer is available to Partner sales on Mitel premise-based products. It is not applicable to Service Provider CapEx offers or Subscription licensing.