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Top Tips for Microsoft Office 365 End User Experience Troubleshooting

End-to-End Microsoft 365 Troubleshooting with Martello - Q&A
January 28, 2021

As with any service in the cloud – particularly Microsoft 365 – it’s difficult to determine where along the path from user to Microsoft service lies the source of a service delivery problem. Without end user experience troubleshooting into the entire spectrum of possible root causes – from endpoint to Microsoft cloud service – it’s nearly impossible to respond and potentially remediate the issue. 

At Martello, our solutions effectively monitor the user experience and collect, consolidate, correlate and analyze both Microsoft 365 services, as well as the internal infrastructure needed to ensure proper service delivery, and providing insight to end user experience troubleshooting your Microsoft Office 365 issues. Below we have outlined a Q&A series examining end-to-end monitoring of Microsoft 365 services and how Martello solution can empower your organization with enhanced visibility and effectively achieve your business productivity goals.  

 Q: How do you gain visibility into your organization’s use of Microsoft 365 services? 

A: With Martello’s Vantage DX, of course! Vantage DX provides IT with visibility from the perspective of the user. By creating synthetic transactions, Gizmo emulates user transactions, interacting with the very same servers, applications, services, and data that an actual user does – providing visibility into endpoint client and connectivity specifics useful for response and remediation. 

Q: How detailed are Martello’s monitoring insights? 

A: Since Martello Gizmo mimics users’ actions using the very same APIs Microsoft uses in their client applications, IT has visibility into whether there are problems with authentication, accessing a mailbox, downloading a file, create a meeting, and more. This level of monitoring granularity allows Gizmo to identify not just when and where a problem exists, but also provides context into scope, severity as well as what functions, client applications, and locations are impacted. 

 Q: What if my organization’s collected data is spread out across various teams and toolsets? 

AIt’s necessary to have visibility into the entire spectrum, which requires pulling from multiple sources of data and correlating them. Thankfully, Vantage DX aggregates and correlates data from multiple sources with ease. Having correlated data can yield a vastly different response. 

 Q: Should I be monitoring specific users? 

A: Within any organization, there is a handful of key users that IT knows must stay productive, which warrants keeping a watchful eye on certain users and locations. Martello Gizmo has the ability to synthetically mimic an individual’s user experience with Microsoft 365; the more granular the synthetic transaction monitoring, the greater the ability for IT to triage service issues and address those that most require attention first. 

 Q: Why is a service-oriented perspective important? 

A: Vantage DX provides organizations with the ability to define what components are involved from end-to-end, including infrastructure, applications, and services that assist with connecting users to specific Microsoft 365 services. By defining everything involved in delivering a service, it becomes easy when a service isn’t working properly to drill down into the supporting components and identify where the problem lies.  

 A Martello Solution for End-to-End Monitoring 

With Martello’s Vantage DX you can empower your IT team – and organization as a whole – to identify issues before they arise, mitigate their impact if they do and ensure your business is as productive as possible. Read our latest eBook Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 End-to-End: Turning Interruption into Insight to learn more.  


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