Martello Technologies Named Top 10 Startups to Watch by OBJ

Martello Technologies is honoured to be named one of the Ottawa Business Journal’s Startups to Watch in 2012.
STARTUPS TO WATCH: Martello Technologies – Cheaper network management. As a former Mitel executive, Niall Gallagher finds himself in a sweet spot as the head of his startup, Martello Technologies Corp. Not only do the two companies operate in the same field – communications – but they are also a part of the Wesley Clover empire of firms chaired by local serial entrepreneur Terry Matthews. This means that Mr. Gallagher has access to Mitel’s customers as a reseller, and can draw upon the company’s experience when working on his nascent product.
Martello provides the only end-to-end Microsoft Teams performance monitoring tool that Microsoft recommends to their customers to maximize employee productivity. Our solution Vantage DX proactively monitors Microsoft 365 and Teams service quality, enabling IT with complete visibility of the user experience to ease troubleshooting of issues before they impact users. Find out why Martello is Microsoft’s go-to-solution for Microsoft Office 365 Monitoring >>