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Transform Microsoft TeamsCall Quality Dashboard intomonitoring insights.

Ensuring Optimal Microsoft Teams Call Quality for Enhanced Business Productivity

Many IT teams rely on user reporting and the Microsoft Teams call quality dashboard to make sure everything is working well.

This means you only know if there are problems with Microsoft Teams call audio quality when a user opens an IT ticket. Users rarely open tickets, and when they do you are left scrambling to see what’s wrong.

The Microsoft Teams Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) gives IT an overview of the quality of service by providing Teams analytics. This data focuses on usage and adoption. It can be hard to find the data you need to troubleshoot a Microsoft Teams call health issue. The CQD also does not have the ability to alert you.

Only using the Microsoft CQD Teams means you are in the dark when trying to ensure good Microsoft Teams audio quality.

Martello’s Vantage DX™ transforms the performance data of every Microsoft Teams call into monitoring insights. This is then delivered on intuitive dashboards, and you can set up your own alerts.

IT can focus on what really matters. Dashboards show where issues are, who is experiencing them and their severity. You can also see if they are recurring and pinpoint their root cause. IT teams don’t have to rely on users to know about poor Microsoft Teams call audio quality or sluggish video.

Key Features for Proactive Microsoft Teams Audio Quality Monitoring

Comprehensive Monitoring and Custom Alerts

  • Extend your Microsoft Teams call quality dashboard data.
  • Monitor Microsoft Teams calls, Teams Direct Routing, Operator Connect and Calling Plan PSTN calls.
  • Monitor Teams meetings and Teams meeting room devices.
  • Monitor all Teams certified devices including every IP phone.
  • Create custom alerts based on Teams call quality issues and Teams meeting problems for any group of users. This can include VIPs.
  • Create alerts on Teams device health to prevent user issues.


Teams Call Quality Dashboard

Actionable Insights and Performance Prioritization

  • Prioritize your efforts with user-friendly monitoring dashboards. Clearly see data on Microsoft Teams audio quality issues for calls. This includes who is affected, their severity, if they are recurring and their root cause.
  • Instantly see your network issues, whether users are at home or the office.
  • Understand your Teams Direct Routing call issues by correlating Microsoft Teams call health data with your session border controller (SBC) call detail report.
  • Correlate Microsoft Teams analytics with end-to-end network performance and synthetic transactions. This gives you full visibility on a Teams outage or any Teams issue.
Monitor vips and isps with microsoft teams call quality analytics

Efficient Troubleshooting for Swift Resolutions

  • See detailed Microsoft Teams call health data for every call and meeting. This lets you understand any problem with Microsoft Teams audio quality or video lag.
  • Know in seconds who was responsible for a poor Teams call or meeting problem. Access data on whether the user is internal or external, to ensure Microsoft Teams call health.
  • Analyze every user’s network connectivity, device, audio set, ISP and route to the cloud performance. This can be easily shared with the NOC, helpdesk and service owner.
  • Get detailed information on Teams Direct Routing calls with the addition of SBC call detail reports. These analyze the performance of the data between the SBC and the PSTN provider.
Microsoft Teams Troubleshooting

Key Benefits of Microsoft Teams Call Health Monitoring

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Proactive Issue Detection and Resolution

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Streamlined Troubleshooting and Enhanced User Satisfaction

IT icon

Comprehensive Issue Prioritization and Resolution

Enhanced ROI and Quality of Service (QoS) Optimization


Beyond Native Microsoft Tools eBook

Beyond Native Microsoft Tools

Get our latest eBook to go further with Martello's Vantage DX. Close visibility gaps, anticipate issues, and deliver an exceptional Microsoft 365 and Teams experience.

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Proactive monitoring pays. (Here’s the proof.)

We’ve always known the proactive monitoring and advanced analytics provided by Martello’s Vantage DX can save organizations time and money while getting more from their investments in Microsoft Teams. We recently…

Read more about Proactive monitoring pays. (Here’s the proof.)

LinkedIn Live Event: Determining the Value of Proactive Monitoring

Join Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo for an insightful webinar as we share a detailed model designed to calculate the value of proactive monitoring and enhanced diagnostics in Microsoft Teams environments.

Watch Now!

Monitor Microsoft Teams calls, conferences and meeting rooms audio and video quality issues. Get started today to extend Microsoft Teams Call Quality Dashboard data.

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