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Challenges with Microsoft Teams Device Compliance

The devices that are used by Microsoft Teams to connect or to listen to both audio and video calls can greatly impact service quality. Monitoring these assets for compliance and service performance can be challenging particularly in our modern workplace where users are accessing Teams either from the office, home or somewhere in between.

Why Microsoft Teams Device Compliance Is Important?

Ensuring both the security and reliability of the user experience though is paramount to maintaining the productivity of all users.

For IT teams, having an overview of devices that are non-compliant is critical in order to determine if they are currently causing more issues than others and to enforce company compliance policies. IT needs a solution that spots the types of devices in use, tracks Microsoft Teams performance when they are in use and alerts in case of problems. Ideally, this solution provides these capabilities without having to deploy any agent.

Deeper Dive

With the dashboards in Martello’s Vantage DX you can easily see the top five devices that are causing issues – to identify the most problematic OS types. Drilling down within the dashboard allows you to see where the issue is actually originating from on a global map, including how users are connecting to Microsoft Teams with those devices and which locations have the most issues. This data provides IT with clear steps on how to move forward to resolve these issues proactively. Vantage DX dashboards

Drilling down further, IT can get further insight on a specific device at the user level which outlines the device, location, issue type and ISP used.

If your organization has a list of certified Teams devices that can be used, your IT team can create specific groups with alerts to quickly identify if a non-approved device is used to access Teams and then act accordingly. Alerts can be set for IT to monitor for non-compliant devices and then a breakdown of all the users’ calls can be found including the issues that they experienced and root cause.

Vantage DX turns your existing Teams Call Quality Data into the most flexible alerting and reporting tool currently available, enabling you to alert and detect on any property of any type of call made by your users.

Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams Network Path Monitoring

The Results

Quickly identify which OS and devices are used by regular or VIP users and get alerted when non-compliant devices are used (mobile, headset, OS).

Graphic Close Up Icon

Get root cause analysis for any issue happening when non-compliant devices are used.

Ticket Icon

Define SLA for services used with compliant devices and compare with non-recommended devices.

Customer service icon

Analyze recurring issues happening with specific headsets or OS to enforce recommendations.


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