Burn Brings the House Down: Martello Proud to Be a Part of It
At Martello, we are still coming off the high of attending last week’s opening night of Burn. When our colleague Steven Dwyer suddenly passed away last May, we all knew that we wanted to find a way to honour his memory. When the opportunity to be a part of the Burn production that Steven’s wife Sandra Laughren was continuing to produce, we knew that this was the perfect way for us to honour his legacy.
Burn was engaging from the get-go with twists and turns that unfolded as the night progressed. To say that we were all on the edge of our seats for the whole production would be an understatement. The actors were dynamic and pulled you into the story and The Gladstone offered up an intimate space with a cozy set that made sure you felt a part of the action.
Sitting in the packed theatre on opening night as the house lights went down, we have never been prouder to be part of the Martello family and to see something that Steven believed in to be met with such appreciation.
Bravo to the entire Burn cast, it was truly a triumph!