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Teams is deeply integrated into all modern workplace business processes, yet Microsoft Teams issues can still arise.

Employees use Microsoft Teams to collaborate on documents and projects together and communicate on calls, and they use the chat feature to reduce email clutter. Teams features are used by contact centers, in executive meetings, for client pitches, employee townhalls, and more. This is why the Microsoft Teams platform is so critical for business productivity.

However, Microsoft Teams monitoring tools are limited to connectivity analysis and call quality dashboards. These tools do not provide the visibility, or the capabilities needed to troubleshoot Microsoft Teams call quality issues. They also don’t ensure the collaboration features are working well.

Martello’s Vantage DX™ is the only solution that proactively monitors for Microsoft Teams outages and call quality issues. Whether the Microsoft Teams problem is local or global, Vantage DX provides the data you need to troubleshoot.

What Is Martello Vantage DX for Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft recommends using the Vantage DX solution to monitor Teams performance and ensure a good user experience. This includes:

  • 24/7 synthetic transactions for all Microsoft Teams collaboration features
  • End-to-end network quality analysis
  • Real user calls and meetings quality alerts
  • Session Border Controller monitoring insights and metrics

New Vantage DX Feature Microsoft Teams Rooms Dashboard

  • Proactively know if a Microsoft Teams Room is performing poorly.
  • Know which of your Teams Rooms are the busiest and closely monitor them for performance.
  • Ensure your Teams Rooms devices are working optimally and have the tools to quickly troubleshoot issues.
  • Deliver maximum ROI on your Teams Rooms investment and ensure VIP meeting satisfaction.
Conference call

Key Features for Microsoft Teams Issues Monitoring

Detect, Alert and Prioritize all Microsoft Teams Issues

  • Detect and analyze any Microsoft Teams outage to understand who is responsible and who is affected. This limits the business impact.
  • Get an instant overview of all your Teams call issues, meeting problems, and meeting room device malfunctions, to prioritize your efforts.
  • Understand the root cause of poor call quality to quickly improve the experience for the end user.
  • Monitor all your Teams Direct Routing, Operator Connect and Calling Plan calls from a single dashboard.
  • Easily search through call quality data to spot non- compliant Teams devices, local or external network issues or Teams user issues.
  • Logically group users automatically to provide Teams VIP user monitoring.
Teams Call Quality Dashboard Overview

Proactively Detect a Microsoft Teams Outage

  • Test Teams call audio and video quality from all your critical sites.
  • Test Teams collaboration features such as chat, presence status, channels, document upload and download capability and more.
  • Detect local and global outages the minute they start.
  • Access detailed network latency information including the ability to spot exactly where the problem is – internal, ISP, service provider or Microsoft.
  • Synchronize Microsoft Teams down issues with your ITSM tools such as ServiceNow, Jira, and TOPdesk.
Proactively detect a Microsoft Teams outage

Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Call Quality Issues

  • Collect SBC call detail reports to correlate call performance metrics with Microsoft call quality dashboard data.
  • Analyze performance data including round trip time, jitter and packet loss. This includes the route between users, Teams, the SBC, and the PSTN provider.
  • Get alerted for every SBC alarm including network configuration, software update, rack, and device overload.
  • Quickly diagnose the root cause of any Direct Routing call issues.
Teams Call Quality Analytics

Analyze Root Cause for Teams Bad Network Quality

  • Perform 24/7 tests of the Teams network quality to identify why Microsoft Teams is slow.
  • Analyze hop by hop latency to understand who is responsible for Teams bad network quality.
  • Test network performance to Microsoft Teams or any end point such as OneDrive, SharePoint, Exchange, Office 365 web applications and PowerApps.
Microsoft Active Network Path Monitoring

Key Benefits for Microsoft Teams Issues Monitoring

Success icon

  • Detect and prioritize every Microsoft Teams issue to focus IT effort.
  • Reduce the mean time to repair of all Microsoft Teams issues.
  • Analyze the Teams user experience baseline to take immediate actions.
  • Provide end-to-end visibility of Teams phone, Direct Routing, Operator Connect and Calling Plan audio quality issues.
  • Proactively detect a Microsoft 365 outage locally and globally to reduce the impact on users.

IT icon

  • Instantly know who owns Teams bad network quality problems.
  • Quickly pinpoint the root cause of Microsoft Teams problems.
  • Synchronize your Teams incidents with your ITSM.
  • Visualize the network path of critical users to detect misconfigurations and issues with poor user experience.
  • Prioritize network and infrastructure issues when Microsoft Teams slowness occurs by visually understanding how they impact the user experience.
  • Automatically correlate alerts and monitoring data with your ITSM tools.

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  • Decrease management and support overhead costs.
  • Achieve minimal Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR).
  • Reduce the need for Microsoft escalations.

Performance icon

  • Do not rely on your users to detect Teams performance issues.
  • Automatically identify users experiencing the most Teams issues to help them improve the situation.
  • Create specific groups of users to proactively support them (VIPs, users with recurring issues).


Use Case

How to Ensure Microsoft Teams PSTN Availability & Quality for End-Users

Ensure proactive support for Microsoft Teams PSTN calls to your Business Lines.

Read more
MS Teams Monitoring

Buyer's Guide: Microsoft Teams Performance Monitoring Solution

Download this buyer’s guide and see how to choose the right Microsoft Teams performance monitoring solution.

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8 Metrics to Assess the Microsoft Teams User Experience

Get your guide today and take the immediate steps to optimize the Microsoft Teams experience.

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The all-in-one solution to detect, prioritize, resolve and prevent any Microsoft Teams issues that affect end user productivity.

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