Observability and optimization for the Microsoft Modern Workplace refers to a type of monitoring that focuses more on the outcome of a service (end user experience) rather than pure system metrics.
With the growing adoption of SaaS services, observability and user experience monitoring have become critical because most of the server side has been moved to the service provider. When it comes to Office 365, the server side is provided directly by Microsoft in its Service Health portal. But this is not always helpful because you can’t always act on it.
With a Modern Workplace solution, end-user experience monitoring is the first key to service performance because it enables IT to be proactively alerted of issues without users having to open an IT ticket. There are different ways to achieve this outcome, it can be through call records in the case of Microsoft Teams but also can be through synthetic transactions placed at strategic places to continuously measure the health of the service from your critical sites.
Learn More Microsoft 365 and Teams performance