Why MSPs Need End-to-End Visibility
Microsoft Office 365 Performance
The “shared responsibility” model of the cloud puts most of the control with Microsoft, despite the MSP being responsible. As shown below, Microsoft puts very little responsibility into the hands of the customer (or, in your case, the MSP), which is why most MSPs stick to the basic onboarding-related tasks as their Microsoft 365 offering.
But the customer’s reliance on Microsoft 365 has changed in the last 14 months… and so have their expectations. Today’s customer expects that users aren’t just connected, but are productive; that services aren’t just running, but running well.
End-to-end service delivery helps to meet – and exceed – this expectation using a combination of technologies:
Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)
Using synthetic transactions, it’s possible to replicate end-users actions and proactively monitor Microsoft 365 services at a practical and granular level (think scheduling a Teams call, or trying to download a file from SharePoint), testing the user’s route to the Microsoft cloud 24/7.
Real User Monitoring (RUM)
Using individual user Teams’ call data and network connectivity metrics, it’s possible to correlate this with infrastructure and network monitoring to create a complete picture of the network path between the individual user and Microsoft 365.
Service Management
Monitoring both internal and external services, infrastructure, and networking across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments, while leveraging RUM and synthetic transaction data, an end-to-end service map is created that helps to easily identify and drill down to the root cause.
The addition of end-to-end service delivery for Microsoft 365 to an existing service offering accomplishes a few things for the MSP:
- Elevates your Microsoft 365 service offering to provide better cloud services performance.
- Reduces mean time to resolution (MTTR) and support costs.
- Provides new tiers of services that can include a custom Microsoft 365 SLA or even an Experience Level Agreement, end-to-end service performance, as well as additional consulting hours to address identified internal service delivery causes.
- Differentiates your services against those MSPs who don’t have the ability to demonstrate their understanding of both what is causing outages and performance issues and why they are occurring.
- Applies beyond Microsoft 365, including public cloud and on-premise service delivery management.
But it’s not just the MSP that benefits; the customer also sees tangible benefits by using this service:
- Enjoys improved reliability in their Microsoft 365 investment.
- Experiences an MSP that provides end-to-end proactive support and analysis of service bottlenecks.
- Creates a happier, more productive, and more profitable customer.
Martello’s end-to-end monitoring provides MSPs with true Microsoft 365 service delivery management for their customers, reduces support and overhead costs and allows them to stand out from the competition. Learn more about Martello’s solutions for Managed Service Providers and make sure to download our eBook ‘Elevating Microsoft 365 Managed Services’.