Here are the winners of the 2018 Employees’ Choice Awards

November 22, 2018
Ottawa Business Journal
Ten deserving Ottawa companies, across sectors from high tech to retail, will be recognized this December as outstanding workplaces and employers.
Next month the Ottawa Board of Trade and OBJ, in partnership with Meldrum Home & Associates, will present the 2018 Employees’ Choice Awards to ten local firms voted by their own staff as the best places to work in the National Capital Region this year.
The annual awards are open to for-profit companies, non-profits and government entities in the National Capital Region with 15 or more full- or part-time employees that have been in business for more than a year.
The following companies will be honoured on Dec. 6 at the Marshes Golf Club in Kanata for their dedication to making Ottawa-Gatineau a fantastic place to work. Tickets are available now to attend the evening of celebration.
2018 Employees’ Choice Awards winners:
Keynote Group
Martello Technologies
Crank Software Inc.
The Fireplace Center & Patio Shop
InGenius Software
Dilfo Mechanical
Decisive Technologies
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